Find just the right words, perfect Passover wishes, quotes & sayings to write in your Passover cards.

Can’t come up with the right phrase or words for your Passover card? We have the list of pre-made Passover messages that can help you jump-start your writing process.

We hope this will help you create just right message to send to your loved one which will be cherished along with the card for years to come.

As you gather with loved ones to celebrate the Passover feast, may you enjoy the traditions and togetherness of this holiday, and remember God’s care and mercy.

At Passover, may you celebrate a joyous Seder, and may you enjoy all of life’s blessings.

May Passover be a journey filled with blessings for you and yours.

Best Wishes that your Passover will bring you blessings that are as precious as our friendship.

As you gather around the Seder table, may God’s mercy be always present in your heart.

A Passover Wish – May the days of this season bring you happiness and peace in the company of those you love.

A Wish for Passover – May you have love in your heart, happiness in your home, and peace in the world. Chag Sameach

My your home be filled with those you love around the seder table at Passover this year.

It’s Passover and we all know what that means. A meal it took all day to prepare will scarfed down in minutes! Have a great one.

Celebrate with family and friends, may the sweetness of these days be like wine in your cup. Happy Passover.

At Passover – Sending you wishes for a warm home full of love, family at your seder table, and the a beautiful spring. May Pesach reflect fully how good life is.

Passover is a time for family to reflect on their blessings. A son like you is truly a blessing that counts. Chag Sameach.

You know why they call it Passover, right? “Hey, Passover the matzah brei!” “Please pass over the salt and pepper!” “Would you Passover the wine?” Have a great one.

Thinking of You at Passover – The miles between us don’t seem so many when warm thoughts and wishes can help us keep in touch. Although we can’t be together for Passover this year, may you have peace, good health, and good luck and such.

Grandmother – As we gather around the Seder table, with joy for life’s blessings and humble respect for history, the sweetness is doubled as we think of your steadfast love. Chag Sameach

A mother nourishes our bodies and our characters, nurtures our minds and bodies, grounds us in tradition and encourages us to explore the world. Mother – you are the source of all that I’ve become and everything that is good n my life. I thank you for your love and for all the gifts you’ve given me, at Passover and always.

When it comes to Purim, there good news and bad news. The good news is you spend a lot of time with your family. The bad news is you spend a lot of time with your family. Happy Purim!

Let us celebrate with joy as we remember brave Esther and how she saved her people. Chag Sameach Purim!

Greetings at Passover and always Shalom.

Here’s to a purrrrfect Passover!

Together we hear again the story of Moses parting the Red Sea and leading our people to safety. It’s time for the Haggadah and the asking of the four questions. And it’s time to wish you a happy Passover!

May your Pesach be full of joy and the coming year be filled with blessings.

As we gather around the Seder table, we share our joy with those we love. May your Passover be blessed with happiness, and your Seder a beautiful celebration for you and yours.

At Passover and every day may there be peace and joy in your lives. Chag Sameach

Hey Bubbeleh! Have a Passover filled with stories, smiles, and a tummy-full of Seder dinner.

Chag Sameach to you at Passover. And as they say in Israel Next year in Miami!

Happy Passover! These little friends are here to celebrate with you, to join the fun and family, and when the Seder’s through, here’s hoping you’ll be lucky and find the afikomen too!

At Passover, we remember our deep connections to each other, in this uncertain world. Best wishes for a wonderful and meaningful holiday.

To My Friend at Passover – You mean so much to me and I’m grateful for how close we are. I’m so glad you’re my friend. Chag Sameach

Family at Passover – Pesach is a time for family, a time for joy and love, for sacred storytelling and tradition. At Pesach, we join together to celebrate our history and God’s blessings. Happy Passover

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